Thursday, 19 March 2009

Major problems with my PC last week. Total meltdown. Apparently problems caused by Rootkits. Didn't even know what they were until they'd buried themselves deep into my PC. Upshot of that was a hefty bill to get rid of the pesky things and I've been unable to access my Google account and therefore can't get access to my blog. Hence the new address cos I had to open a new account. Good news is that I've been able to keep the Light and Dark name (which I found a bit strange!) So there will now be Light and Dark 1 and 2.

All very troublesome but there you go.

For more skies around the world click here


  1. Excellent skywatch photos, thanks for sharing.

    Have a great weekend!
    Regina In Pictures

  2. Beautiful skies! Wonderful shots.

  3. Beautiful photos. Thanks for sharing

  4. Nicely caught photos! I really like the first one with the silohuetted grasses. And thanks for stopping by earlier!

  5. Beauiful fiery images, but rookits sounds painful. Seriously I will be checking that out, nothning worse than a disabled account.

  6. sorry to hear about your woes. but the shots are stunning.

  7. Wonderful images, both of them!

    Sorry to hear of your computer problems, I also had problems last week! But nothing like yours - just needed to clean up a little to make the computer work faster. So I consider myself lucky!

    Hope it works out for you now!

  8. Sorry about your computer troubles, mine has got a gremlin in blog post formatting. Itdoes the strangest things.
    Lovely photos.

  9. Awesome sky watch photos! They are beautiful. Sorry for your PC problem, have a nice day..
